The alfather of norse gods, he was said to have given an eye in exchange for wisdom. Symbolically the magician as well must renounce his perception of reality, his beliefs, for they only hold him back from true wisdom and magick. He is said to have 2 ravens through which he sees the whole world making him alknowing. Similarly he gives to the magician all the powers related to esp with extreme precision. He is probably the best in the world for prophecy. Contrary to the popular TV show "American gods", he is by no means a swindler. In fact he is arguably the best teacher of magick among the gods. Some believed that he decided who lives and who dies in war but that is erroneous, as he merely had the power to know when one was going to die.
Arguably the most powerful God of power in the world many pray to him for inner strength and indomitable will as well as physical and magical power however if studied deeper the magician will see that Thor is also a great healer and protector. He gives power to all magical acts and makes them easier. He is also believed to control weather.
As goddess of fertility she regulates all sexual functions bringing them in normal parameters, as a goddess of love she gives a most potent and tangible magnetism. As a goddess of war she gives strength and victory but be carefull with the latter. There is no victory unless there is a battle to be fought and not all battles are convenient but you can count on winning.
She is the guardian of the world of the dead and as such a potent helper of the wise necromancer who chooses to enlist her aid.
As a goddess of winter she can bring snow storms and blizzards. As a goddes of vengeance she can be equated to the roman goddess Nemesis. She gives opportunity for revenge
As a god of deceit he gives the magician his slippery nature which is so much needed in this modern world dominated by marketing and politics and other such things. Beware however because nothing stops Loki from tricking you as well one needs a very well defined pact with him in order to make this work. However if it does the benefits are innumerable. As a god of change he wields the power of universal transformation called dunamis or Holy Spirit by christians, Yah Weh by hebrews, Shiva by hindus, Avalokiteshwara by budists. As a semi dark god he has a more tangible effect in the world. Last but not least Loki as the master trickster gives the power of shapeshift and color shift and illusion control. Yes that is right no more need to pay thousands of dollars for sillicon boobs or other bodily augments when you can decide the size and shape of anything by yourself.