By far the best teacher among demons and gods, Azazel possesses the power of omniscience. He does not analyse just one causal thread but all of them giving the most accurate predictions. He can teach anything from spirituality to science. All his demons first require a pact with him before doing any sort of business with you. Although he claims that his omniscience makes him allpowerful he is no slave. Rather than doing things for you he will teach you to do it yourself. He is an adept of making things easy as he hates the world for being so harsh. It is he who gave men fire, science, knowledge of weapons, makeup. Contact the very demon that civilized mankind, the primordial teacher. Contact Azazel and rebel against the challenges this world makes you face.
He removes enemies and any kind of blocks in your life. He even removes potential enemies, people that are not enemies but might be some day. The removal could consist in anything from the enemy having an awesome opportunity and moving to another town to the enemy dying in his sleep, whichever is easiest and fastest. He usually removes your inner blocks first then moves to the outer impediments. If you ask him to remove a block against your wealth you may loose your job so that you are forced to find something better usually leading to you not having to work at all for money after a few years. However i do urge caution for this is not for the faint of heart and by no means will i take responsibility for your impatience to find another job.
A money demon. He brings you money fast, like in a few hours or days. Avoid giving him exact sums. Instead say something like "bring me enough money for..." it could be wiser to give it the administration of all your finances but don't get scared when you suddenly loose certain sources of money since they are removed to make room for something bigger. He may require a blood pact.
Kil tan
Kil tan is not your average rag tag mind control demon. He controls both mind and heart of anyone the practitioner wants by surrounding him with his legions who exert psychick influence on the person until they give in to the demonized command. He usually requires the command be repeated and visualised for a while before carrying it out.
He is a balancer of mental faculties to the point of healing mental illnesses and giving clarity.
He is the master of vibration. He heals by raising the vibration of the body, but the real trick about him is his ability to accelerate anything. Whether it be your journey to your destination or a supernatural intervention Hentios accelerates it and gives tremendous results.
Everyone loves a good binding spell. Seatlar binds your enemies but also creates division among them.
Grah at' talian
He is a controller of minds and emotions. You can tell him to flow through you and empower your words and gaze and influence anyone you are in contact with to do your bidding.
Sun tall akh
He is one of the stronger demons with global impact. He can change what you do not like in the world. He can build a whole empire for you be it economical or military. It is said that he created Azazel's legions.
Kru vest
He is a protector demon. No, no not protection from negative energies and other zen things. Serious protection from real danger. He acts instantaneously. He must be verbally invoked the second you find yourself in danger. The protection won't last long so make sure you invoke him at the moment of crisis. He protects from attacks, accidents, he can protect your business and your contracts in key moments. If you feel a contract will fall you can call for protection to make sure it is signed. He even protects from natural death prolonging your life.
He gives familiar spirits to serve you, especially animal familiars and he gives you the ability to communicate with animals. Wanna be Dar from Beastmaster? Check this one out!
Eriesh tai tol
Is all about giving the body the properties of the soul. The soul is immortal and so should you. He shows the practitioner the secrets of the spirit bodies and how to control them. He also teaches you how to possess a human body and all secrets about reincarnation.
Ant Haratu
He is a master of miracles and the wisdom behind them. He is very persistent, never stopping until the job is done. Thus he both teaches and does miracles through them practitioner.
Al Fadan
This demon literally feeds you. It attracts food and water to you. But don`t imagine you can order a pizza from him. He will bring the minimum necessary for survival.

Dra' Talan
You can call him your assassin demon. Yes that is right. He kills people for you. But he doesn't only kill. He tortures them first. He drives them mad with hallucinations. Not even the highest spiritualists are immune to him because he knocks them off their balance thus making them vulnerable. Beware! Once you unleash the fury of Dra Talan there is no calling it back! He will continue to attack the person building the potential for his ultimate demise.
Esh Teleshtu
He is the master of transmutation of matter. He transforms anything into anything else at the will of the practitioner. He can make stones turn into gold. However his most spectacular power is something similar to creation of matter. He can basically transform void into matter making it look like he can create stuff from thin air.
He gives the knowledge on how to bind both spirits and humans to your will.
Lei ticol
She is the master of plans. She can give you a plan to change your life the way you want as well as make the changes herself with guaranteed results.
He can give the practitioner power for anything. He builds up psychick power within the magician for all his magical operations. Feeling too lazy to charge yourself with energy? Etliosh is your demon.
He can teach you all the forbidden rites of death magick and necromancy.
Frog Latash
He is the master of love magick. Anything you need from personal magnetism to attracting a certain person or simply finding an ideal lover he can give. He ultimately gives emotional and sexual fullfillment
Krehl a Teral
A master of magicians he both teaches and does any miracle through the magician.
Akh Latesh
As the master of time he gives the magician the power of chronokinesis. However if time is to be slowed down it must also be later accelerated in the same amount to bring it back into balance. But that is not all this demon can do. He can stop time for a short while. Yes time stops are possible. Moreover, he gives you the unique ability to alter past events.
Hak Lator
He gives the knowledge about spirit traps and all forms of vampirism.
Mami a Am
He gives inspiration and creativity in all forms of art.
Mak talan
As a master of mechanics he teaches all sciences related to this subject. Moreover he can repair anything.
He has the unique ability to alter events by doing small changes that have a domino effect that leads to your desired result.
This demon will help you build the career of your choosing.
He will help you find lost treasures, hidden ores. Moreover he teaches the virtues of gems.