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    In ancient times magick existed and thrived hand in hand with civilization. In fact civilization now would not be possible without magick. Ancient spirits were present in every civilization and helped humanity evolve to their highest potential. As civilizations rose and fell various rullers decided that there can be no order while magick still exists. In the middle ages those rullers used christianity as a mask to wipe out all forms of misticism in Europe,then conveniently renounced it as well. However these ancient forces can still be accessed in all their might and furry. I know how it is to be a teenager looking on dozens of sites on the internet in hope of finding a spiritual recipe that fits his or her needs. I've been there. That is why i compiled a site that comprises all i have learnt so far about everything that has to do with spirituality, raging from spiritual practices and supernatural powers to phylosophy and wisdom, and most of all keys of accessing the presence of those powerful spirits. Let there be light once more!