He is a master of translation, be it of languages or thoughts and emotions. ESP is divided in perception and translation. The translation process comes naturally. All he does is remove what inhibits it. He is also a master in banishment and reunion magick. He can dethrone any ruler and can cause earthquakes. He is benevolent
He gives knowledge of the 3 times and the power of dowsing. He is benevolent.
A true master of shapeshifting, he can also cause and cure any disease. He can repair electronics and teach science and many other things.
He has both the power to destroy relationships and heal them. Also what is less known is that he can destroy people by creating separation between cells thus disintegrating them.

This one is a pyromaniac. He sets fire to anything you want him to and teaches you how to do the same. He makes men intelligent and gives knowledge of the secrets of others.
Glasya Labolas
He is one of the stronger demons. He teaches all sciences and arts instantly, he can cause your enemies to be attacked and killed on the streets, he also makes your enemies your friends if you want him to. He also gives knowledge of the 3 times and gives invisibility. Invisibility at first just means that your enemies attention is diverted from you, but as you progress it gradually becomes full invisibility at will.
He is a prosperity demon and also makes men intelligent. However what sets this demon apart is his ability to reanimate the dead. Yes zombie style, you got it right. Or did you think zombies were invented?
He gives men intelligence and eloquence and teaches the virtues of herbs. What is notable about him though is that he gives invisibility and longevity.
Indeed a force to be reckoned with he causes knowledge or stupidity, love or hate, but most importantly he is a teleportation demon.
Exceptionally strong, he gives knowledge of the 3 times and makes the magician popular. However what sets him apart is his ability to steal anything and bring it to the demonized. Moreover he has the power to destroy entire cities.
He is a great demon king. He gives knowledge about secrets but his true essence is all about breaking obstacles of any nature. They can be inner or outer like situations or even people.
Although small in rank this guy has the power of transmutation of matter.
He is a great king with great powers of transmutation. He can even transmute a fool's mind into a brilliant intelligent mind. What is less known about him is his spectacular ability to make men unnoticeable to the point of invisibility.
He can guide you to treasures guarded by spirits.
He gives influence and high offices and protects the magician from other spirits that want to harm him.
A great king, he gives high offices and good relationships. He also teaches singing, sciences and necromancy. He has the power of omniscience.
He has the power of omniscience and gives the favor of authority figures. He also makes people intelligent and perfect in all sciences.
What truly sets him apart however is that by channeling him one can become a martial arts master with bare hand or any weapon. He gives victory in life and in battle.
His powers seem almost mythological. He gives good relationships and positions of power and also helps you keep them. He can steal money for you and take it wherever you want it. His most spectacular ability however is his control over wild animals.
He gives magnetism to attract women and the power of translation of tongues, thoughts, emotions, animals, events etc.
A demon king most famous for his powers of mind control. His ideas are very practical
Channeling him continuously while speaking will prove very beneficial.
He gives power to resurrect people.